KA210-VET Erasmus+ project

From September 2023 til February 2025, a consortium made up by 4 partners from Romania, Denmark and Spain will carry out this Small-scale project about health and care innovations which could be transferrable to VET studies.


CIFP Majada Marcial (Fuerteventura-Spain)


Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional que ofrece varios ciclos formativos de la familia profesional de Sanidad.
Vocational School, offering several VET programs on Health.
Fundatia Ecologica Green (FEG)


Fundación Ecologica Green gestiona varios centros de FP, en los que se imparten enseñanzas del sector de la salud.
FEG manages several schools in Romania, some of them offering health and care VET programs.



SOSU es un centro público de Formación Profesional, que entre otros programas, ofrece enseñanzas del sector sanitario.
SOSU is a public school in Aarhus )Denmark), which offers several VET programs about health an care.

Fundación Avantia

Spain (Coordinator)

La Fundación Avantia cuenta con una red de escuelas públicas colaboradoras, entre las que se encuentras muchas de Formación Profesional.
Fundación Avantia adds to this project several VET schools which collaborate within a network of schools in Andalusia (Spain).

Project Meetings

PM1 Fuerteventura (February 2024)

The kick-off meeting of the project took place in Fuerteventura, in February 2024, when CIFP was visited, identifying good practices in health and care VET teaching using ICT.

PM2 Iasi-Romania (April 2024)

The second PM took place in Iasi (Romania), in april 2024, visiting Fundatia Ecologica Green and its associated VET schools, and health and care insititutions.

PM3 Aarhus-Denmark 

The third PM will take place in autumn 2024 in Aarhus (Denmark), when SOSU school will be visited

As soon as the consortium generates the final results of the project, they will be published here.

Dissemination Events

Dissemination event #1

Dissemination events will take place during the second half of the project.

Dissemination event #2

Dissemination events will take place during the second half of the project.

Dissemination event #3

Dissemination events will take place during the second half of the project.

Exención de Responsabilidad/Disclaimer

El proyecto "Health-Innova" está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva de la Fundación Avantia y del consorcio de entidades creado para el desarrollo de este proyecto; y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida."